Saturday, 09 June 2007

The Kingdom of God


Jesus was preaching about the Kingdom of God. Today's ministries are not preaching about the Kingdom of God. All I hear about is saving of souls, which is not wrong and I am not against it.

What exactly is the Kingdom of God? What exactly are these Good news (Gospel) Jesus was talking about?
Any unconfusing answers out there? NB: All the answers to be substantiated by some biblical scriptures.

I think we can start by checking here:

God Bless you

Any Bible concordances out there?


I have seen quite a lot of Bible concordances online and according to my opinion, some are not good at all. Bible is not dynamic and therefore online software will not be good.

Stand alone applications will handle this much better. If there is a good, simple Bible concordance software out there, let us here about it.

I know about the following which I consider to be very good;-

1. Holy Bible Concordance version 2

2. e-sword software by Rick Meyers

I would like to have some views on these two Bible applications. I would like to know about others which are good or better than these. We all know the bible concordances at the back of the bible is limited in terms of keywords etc.

Good bless you all.
